I liked the action work. I am sure that is because I have children :)
Frozen Action:
You MUST click on this picture to make it larger. My daughter was practicing writing her letters in flour, then clapping the flour off of her hands. You can see the flour dust flying off of her hands. I am very happy I caught it!
Shutter Speed=1/1000
Implied Action
We kept this monarch caterpillar in a jar and she (I was informed she was a she) came out of her chrysalis this week. She was the perfect opportunity for an implied action shot as she exercised her wings.
f/stop= f/8
I think panning will be really fun and very handy at my children's various athletic events! Can you tell my daughter loves to have a good time?
Shutter Speed=1/60
Here are my runners up this week:
Frozen Action: I love pictures of leaves being thrown in the air. But the flour won over.
Panning: My best panning shots had the subject on the left, which works great because it implies movement through the picture. The reason for this is my focus point was on the left side. I have since learned how to move it--thanks Brooke :)
Yeah, everything's a girl around here too :)
Your shots are awesome (helped by some great models too no doubt)! Your runners up are as good as your others! LOVE that flour puff frozen for all time! Great shot with the dusty little face. Fantastic! And your panning shot is brilliant! Love the composition and the colours are great! Well done :)
Love the photos! The butterfly one is an amazing capture!!! and the shots of your daughter are beautiful as well!
Great Photos. Love the panning shot! I agree with Pete...you've got cute subjects to work with. :)
These are wonderful - I love the idea of throwing leaves up in the air with the children! Great job!
Great pictures! I especially love the butterfly one. Very creative.
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