Saturday, August 9, 2008

Baby Bracelets

I love to make Baby Bracelets for Kaitlyn. So much fun. Pictured first are the multi-colored bracelets. These are bracelets I have made to match specific outfits of hers, but they always end up matching several as she grows up. These are often my favorites.

This was made by my sister-in-law, Kristin

Now for the solid colors. You will notice some bracelets have a clasp and some have the snaps. The clasp is nice because you can add chain to one side of the bracelet and you have a bracelet that grows with baby and fits for a long time. The snaps are nice for the wiggly age. A newborn will usually hold still, but at some point baby is hard to get a clasp done up on.

This was made by my sister-in-law Lauralee

The picture above and below are the same bracelet.

This picture shows three different sizes of the same bracelet, 3", 4", and 5"

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

I love all of your bracelets you have been busy. You have given me alot of ideas and inspiration. Love ya


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