Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here is the pillow for McKenna's room. The front:

And the back:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fancy Pillows

Last October, Brayden (my 3.5 year old) finally started to sleep with covers. The first morning, I told him that now that he had covers, we needed to make his bed each morning like Mommy and Daddy do. "Oh! You need to make me some fancy pillows!" I agreed. He picked out his fabric and I set it in a pile. He told me he wanted that "noisy stuff" on them. After some further questioning I figured out that he was talking about fringe, so we went to the fabric store and picked some out.

Well, I made Halloween costumes and my bedroom set, Christmas came along, then I got going on baby stuff. I decided last weekend that I needed to just make him his pillows finally. So here they are:

Here they are in his room. You have seriously never seen a kid more excited for anything in life than he was for his fancy pillows. The funny thing is that a few days later he asked me, "What do I do with these fancy pillows?" I told him they went on his bed and looked nice. "Oh." He has since requested I make him ten more fancy pillows.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Memory Board

If you don't know, a memory board is something you hang on the wall and put pictures in. Here is McKenna's:
And here is Kaitlyn's:

And here is Brayden's:

These are really easy to make.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dresser Runner

Here is the runner for the dresser! I got the design idea from my sister-in-law, Melanie. I think my mother-in-law made it? The last couple of pictures don't really show the material that well. I guess my flash was too bright.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quilt Top

I am working on nursery bedding right now. Since that takes a long time, I thought I would post progress as I go. Here is the quilt top. This was a super fast quilt to make. I spent only a couple of days on it, and it isn't the only thing I did in those days. So that was nice. I need to buy my back now that it is done and I know the exact measurement (rather than just my projected finished measurement!). I am going to do it in brown flannel. Then I am going to have a lady in my ward machine quilt it. After that, I will do the binding, take a picture, and show you the finished product!


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